Brighton & Hove City Council
4.30pm23 April 2020
Virtual Meeting - Skype
Present: Councillors Phillips (Chair), Robins (Deputy Chair), Allcock, Appich, Atkinson, Bagaeen, Barnett, Bell, Brown, Childs, Clare, Davis, Deane, Druitt, Ebel, Evans, Fishleigh, Fowler, Gibson, Hamilton, Heley, Henry, Hill, Hills, Hugh-Jones, Janio, Knight, Lewry, Littman, Lloyd, Mac Cafferty, Mears, McNair, Miller, Moonan, Nemeth, Nield, O'Quinn, Osborne, Peltzer Dunn, Pissaridou, Platts, Powell, Rainey, Shanks, Simson, C Theobald, Wares, West, Wilkinson, Williams and Yates.
81 Declarations of Interest
81.1 There were no declarations of interest in the items appearing on the agenda.
82 Mayor's Communications.
82.1 The Mayor invited the Council to join her in a minute’s silence as a mark of respect for all those who had lost their lives during the current pandemic.
82.2 Following the minute’s silence the Mayor stated that she was aware that it has become the norm to stop at 8.00pm to acknowledge the work of everyone at the NHS and working on the front-line. Should we reach this point in the meeting, I will ask that we stop for 5 minutes to join with everyone in the country and show our appreciation by clapping. We will do that live online, so make sure you have your microphone and webcam on.
82.3 I would also like to mention that to date, over fifty Covid-19 Community Champions nominations have been received in the Civic Office. People nominated include community association volunteers, grocers, NHS workers, pharmacists and teachers, to name a few. All nominations to should be sent to the Civic Office by the first of May.
83 Adoption of Special Procedures
83.1 The Mayor drew the Council’s attention to the updated proposed special procedure rules as detailed in the addendum on pages 3 – 8, which had been circulated separately. She also noted that there was an Officer clarification detailed in the protocol but for clarification read it:
“At the time of the meeting on 5th March, the intention was to start the statutory consultation in May. For a variety of reasons related to the Covid-19 pandemic, that will not be possible. The consultation will therefore start as soon as it is safe and proper to do so.”
83.2 The Mayor then moved that the Council procedure rules should be suspended to the extent necessary to enable the meeting to be conducted under the rules as modified by the procedural notes as circulated.
83.3 RESOLVED: That the procedural rules as outlined be adopted for the consideration of the Proposed Submission City Plan Part 2, Item 88 and the Council’s Procedural Rules suspended accordingly.
84 Call Over for Reports of Committees.
(a) Callover
84.1 The Mayor noted that the Special meeting had been called to consider the Proposed Submission of the City Plan Part 2. She had been made aware that there was an agreement for the remaining items on the agenda not be called. She therefore confirmed that the following items were deemed to have been approved:
Item 85 - Emergency Amendment to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme
Item 86 - Pay Policy Statement 2020/21
Item 87 - Transport for the South East – Proposal to Government on Statutory Powers.
85 Emergency Amendment to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme
(1) That the use of officer urgency powers by the Acting Chief Finance Officer under delegations provided to the Executive Director of Finance & Resources to amend the Council Tax Reduction Scheme to mitigate against losses of benefit that would otherwise arise from the introduction of government COVID-19 increases to welfare benefits be noted; and
(2) That the amendment to the scheme as set out in the report be agreed.
86 Pay Policy Statement 2020/21
86.1 RESOLVED: That the adoption of the Pay Policy Statement for 2020/21 as detailed in appendix 1 to the report be adopted from the 1st April 2020.
87 Transport for The South East - Proposal To Government on Statutory Powers
(1) That the proposal to Government as set out in appendix 1 to the report be agreed;
(2) That the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture be authorised to respond positively to Transport for the South East on the proposal; and
(3) That the need for a further report seeking formal consent from Council to the creation of the statutory body, following the response from the Secretary of State be noted.
88 Proposed Submission City Plan Part 2
88.1 The Mayor noted that Item 88 concerned the proposed submission of the City Plan Part 2 and that an extract from the proceedings of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee held on the 5 March, together with a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture were detailed on pages 81 – 366 of the agenda. She also noted that a list of amendments from the Green and Conservative Groups had been circulated with the addendum papers.
88.2 The Mayor also noted that two of the Conservative Group’s amendments had been revised and these related to DM24 and DM36 and were detailed on pages 29 and 31 of the addendum papers.
88.3 The Mayor stated that she would endeavour to enable everyone who wished to speak on the matter to do so and would call on Councillors Childs, Hill, Ebel, Mac Cafferty, Nemeth and Bell to move and second the recommendations and the amendments respectively before opening the debate.
88.4 Councillor Childs introduced the report and welcomed the opportunity to move the recommendations. He stated that a key role of the Plan was to deliver, build upon and complement the priorities set out in the adopted City Plan Part One, the strategic planning policy framework for the city which had been supported by all parties in 2016.
He believed the approval of Part Two of the City Plan would provide the council with an up-to-date, streamlined and more straightforward set of development management policies. He noted that if approved today, the Plan would then be put to its final public consultation before being submitted to the Planning Inspector. He stated that he wished to thank everyone who had taken part in the consultations on the draft Plan in 2018 and noted that the main changes to the Plan were in response to these consultations.
Councillor Childs stated that he wished to thank all the officers involved in drafting and finalising the Plan, as well as colleagues from the Green and Conservative Groups for their valuable and constructive amendments which he hoped could be accepted and incorporated into the Plan.
By having an up to date and robust set of planning policies reflecting our local circumstances we will ensure greater local control instead of having to rely on national policy or reverting to ‘planning by appeal’. It will help to ensure that the right ‘amount of development takes place in the right places. Moving forward with the City Plan Part Two also gives greater certainty for the Council, businesses and all stakeholders that development schemes can be progressed in a properly planned and coordinated manner.
Brighton & Hove is a wonderful City and despite the knock backs we have all suffered in recent weeks and months I remain very positive about our future. This Plan contributes to and will help secure our city’s future and I commend it to you.
88.5 Councillor Hill formally seconded the recommendations and stated that the city’s constrained supply of land and its unique and highly valued natural and built environments give us specific planning challenges which are best tackled proactively. Being positive about site allocations signals we are a city to invest in, gives us local control over what we want to see delivered in the city, and avoids speculative development. The allocated sites citywide, which include seven new allocations, will provide homes, employment space, community and health facilities, and retail. The Plan also factors in so-called windfall sites of less than 10 housing units which make a significant contribution.
We recognise that allocating some urban fringe sites is particularly controversial. However, the principle for this was very clearly established through the examination of City Plan Part One when the council was told to plan much more positively to meet its housing need and to ‘leave no stone unturned’. By allocating the proposed sites, which make up less than 7% of the city’s whole urban fringe, we can protect the rest. We can also seek to ensure that development delivers sustainable and family sized homes, improves biodiversityand provides publicly accessible open space, improved green infrastructure, local food growing opportunities and better links to the National Park.
In our constrained city, good design is key. We welcome those policies that require high quality design standards in new buildings and the public realm spaces around and between them. The Plan makes clear that the council will require an integrated approach to the design process from project inception.
It is so important that we do our utmost to control development in the city locally, by approving the Plan today and moving to the next stage, allowing residents and stakeholders their final say. I’m proud to second this proposal.
88.6 Councillor Ebel formally moved the amendments on behalf of the Green Group and outlined the reasons behind the various amendments that had been submitted. She stated that there was need to reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality and to push for higher energy efficiency standards. Councillor Ebel also referred to the Conservative Group’s amendments and stated that these would be supported by the Green Group.
88.7 Councillor Mac Cafferty formally seconded the amendments and stated that the Green Group sought to protect the environment and recognised the pressures on the land available for future developments. He hoped that further consideration would be given to looking at potential sites in the city centre that have been laying vacant for some time. It was clear that more affordable housing was required, and this had to be provided. He hoped that the Plan as amended would be approved in order to protect the city and residents in the future.
88.8 Councillor Nemeth formally moved the amendments on behalf of the Conservative Group and offered his thanks to the Planning Policy team for their support and help with the process. He also wished to thank the Head of Democratic Services and his team for making the meeting possible, which was quite a feat. He acknowledged the support of Councillor Bell and colleagues in developing the Group’s amendments and thanked Councillor Childs for his willingness to work together on matters.
He believed that there were a number of positive elements to the Plan and noted that some would change overtime. He hoped that the ambitious targets for carbon neutrality could be met and noted that there were significant challenges to address. In regard to the Green Group’s amendments, he confirmed that the Conservative Group would support No’s 26 to 33. He hoped that the Conservative amendments would be supported.
88.9 Councillor Bell formally seconded the amendments and reserved his right to speak in the debate.
88.10 The Mayor then stated that she would adjourn the meeting for a short break before opening the mater for debate. The meeting was adjourned from 5.30 to 5.35pm.
88.11 The Mayor then opened the matter up for general debate, during which the following Members spoke, Councillors Pissaridou, Druitt, Miller, and Fishleigh.
88.12 Councillor Fishleigh proposed that the matter should proceed straight to vote.
88.13 Councillor Janio formally seconded the proposal.
88.14 The Mayor noted the proposal and stated that she did not believe there had been a sufficient period of debate on the matter and therefore would not accept the motion to move to a vote.
88.15 The Mayor then continued with debate and Councillors Hugh-Jones, Mears, Brown, Robins, Gibson, Peltzer Dunn, Janio, Theobald, Williams, Clare, Lewry, Wares, McNair, Bagaeen, Littman, Barnett, Simson spoke on the matter.
88.16 The Mayor noted that Councillor Bell had reserved his right to speak in formally seconding the Conservative Group’s amendments and invited him to speak before calling on Councillor Platts as the Leader of the Council to respond to the debate.
88.17 Councillor Bell thanked the Mayor and stated that the council had a significant series of votes ahead of it which would have an impact on the city. He hoped that the amendments outlined would be accepted and stated that the council’s housing targets could still be delivered over the next ten years. There was a need to protect the city’s green spaces for future generations and to ensure the city did not become a concrete jungle.
88.18 The Mayor then called on Councillor Platts to respond to the debate.
88.19 Councillor Platts stated that she wanted to thank all the officers and councillors who had put so much hard work into developing the Plan. She also wished to encourage everyone in the city to engage in the consultation process and stated that final approval of the Plan would give a framework for the next decade. It would also help the city council to deliver on its priorities such as affordable housing and tackling the climate crisis. There was a clear ambition to become a net carbon emission city. She also welcomed a number of the amendments that had been put forward which showed the shared aspirations for the benefit of the city and wished to commend the Plan to the Council.
88.20 The Mayor stated that she intended to take a short adjournment before moving to voting on the amendments and the final Plan. She then adjourned the meeting from 18.55 to 19.05pm.
88.21 The Mayor reconvened the meeting and stated that she would take the various amendments under each of the themes listed in the Plan and where there was consensus put the amendments on-block. Where there was no consensus, she would put the individual amendments to the vote.
88.22 The Mayor stated that due to it being a virtual meeting, she would call on the Leaders of the respective Groups to indicate their Group’s position before asking the Group to then confirm that position by acclamation. Should any Member wish to record their vote as being different to their Group they should indicate, and she would then call on them. She would then call on the Independent Members to confirm their votes.
Housing, Accommodation and Community:
88.23 The Mayor referred to the list of amendments in the addendum which had been numbered consecutively for ease of reference and stated that the first theme related to Housing, Accommodation and Community; Policies DM1 to DM10. There were four amendments which had been accepted and she would therefore put the Green Group’s amendment No.1 and the Conservative Group’s amendments No’s. 2 – 4 to the vote.
88.24 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendments and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.25 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendments and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.26 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendments and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.27 Councillor Fishleigh confirmed that she was voting for the amendments.
88.28 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting for the amendments.
88.29 The Mayor confirmed that the amendments had been carried.
Employment and Retail:
88.30 The Mayor stated that the second theme related to Employment and Retail; Policies DM11 to DM17 which had two Green amendments No’s. 5 and 6, and she would put each in turn to the vote.
88.31 The Mayor then put the Green Group’s amendment No.5 to the vote.
88.32 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.33 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.34 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were against the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment as listed.
88.35 Councillor Fishleigh confirmed that she wished to abstain from voting.
88.36 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.37 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
88.38 The Mayor then put the Green Group’s amendment No.6 to the vote.
88.39 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.40 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.41 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.42 Councillor Fishleigh confirmed that she was voting for the amendment.
88.43 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting for the amendment.
88.44 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
88.45 The Mayor then called a short adjournment, 19.16 to 19.20pm before reconvening the meeting.
Design and Heritage:
88.46 The Mayor stated that the third theme related to Design and Heritage; Policies DM18 to DM32 which had three Green amendments No’s 7 - 9, and seven Conservative amendments No’s. 10 – 16. She noted that amendments 7 – 15 had been accepted and would therefore put these to the vote on-block before putting amendment No.16 to the vote.
88.47 The Mayor then put amendments No’s.7 – 15 to the vote.
88.48 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendments and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.49 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendments and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.50 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendments and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.51 Councillor Fishleigh confirmed that she was voting for the amendments as listed.
88.52 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting for amendments No’s. 7 – 14 and wished to vote against amendment No. 15.
88.53 The Mayor confirmed that the amendments had been carried.
88.54 The Mayor then put the Conservative Group’s amendment No. 16 to the vote.
88.55 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were against the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment as listed.
88.56 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.57 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.58 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.59 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting for against the amendment.
88.60 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
Traffic and Transport:
88.61 The Mayor stated that the fourth theme related to Traffic and Transport Policies DM33 to DM36 which had ten Green amendments No’s 17 - 26, and two Conservative amendments No’s. 27 – 28. She noted that amendments 17 – 19, 25 – 26 and 27 - 28 had been accepted and would therefore put these to the vote on-block before putting amendments No’s.20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 separately to the vote.
88.62 The Mayor then put amendments 17 – 19, 25 – 26 and 27 – 28 to the vote.
88.63 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendments and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.64 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendments and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.65 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendments and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.66 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.67 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting for the amendments.
88.68 The Mayor confirmed that the amendments had been carried.
88.69 The Mayor then put amendment No.20 to the vote.
88.70 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were against the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment as listed.
88.71 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.72 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.73 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.74 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.75 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
88.76 The Mayor then put amendment No.21 to the vote.
88.77 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.78 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.79 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were against the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment as listed.
88.80 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.81 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.82 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
88.83 The Mayor then put amendment No.22 to the vote.
88.84 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.85 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.86 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were against the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment as listed.
88.87 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.88 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.89 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
88.90 The Mayor then put amendment No.23 to the vote.
88.91 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.92 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.93 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were against the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment as listed.
88.94 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.95 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.96 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
88.97 The Mayor then put amendment No.24 to the vote.
88.98 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.99 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.100 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were against the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment as listed.
88.101 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.102 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.103 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
Environment and Energy:
88.104 The Mayor stated that the fifth theme related to Environment and Energy Policies DM37 to DM46 which had nine Green amendments No’s 29 - 37, and six Conservative amendments No’s. 38 – 43. She noted that amendments 29 – 33, 36 – 37 and 38 - 43 had been accepted and would therefore put these to the vote on-block before putting amendments No’s.34 and 35 separately to the vote.
88.105 The Mayor then put amendments 29 – 33, 36 – 37 and 38 -43 to the vote.
88.106 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendments and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.107 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendments and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.108 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendments and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.109 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.110 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting for amendments 29 – 31 and 38 – 43 and against amendments 32 and 33.
88.111 The Mayor confirmed that the amendments had been carried.
88.112 The Mayor then put amendment No.34 to the vote.
88.113 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.114 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.115 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group wished to abstain from voting on the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were abstaining from voting on the amendment as listed.
88.116 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.117 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.118 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
88.119 The Mayor then put amendment No.35 to the vote.
88.120 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.121 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.122 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group wished to abstain from voting on the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were abstaining from voting on the amendment as listed.
88.123 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.124 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.125 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried.
Site Allocations:
88.126 The Mayor stated that the sixth theme related to Site Allocations, Policies SA7, SSA1 – SSA7, H1 – H3 and E3 which had eight Green amendments No’s 44 - 51, and four Conservative amendments No’s. 52 – 55. She noted that amendments 44 – 51 and 54 - 55 had been accepted and would therefore put these to the vote on-block before putting amendments No’s.52 and 53 separately to the vote.
88.127 The Mayor then put amendments No’s.44 – 51 and 54 - 55 to the vote.
88.128 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the amendments and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.129 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendments and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendments as listed.
88.130 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendments and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were in favour of the amendments as listed.
88.131 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.132 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendments.
88.133 The Mayor confirmed that the amendments had been carried.
88.134 The Mayor then put amendments No’s.52 to the vote.
88.135 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were against the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment as listed.
88.136 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.137 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were in favour of the amendment as listed.
88.138 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.139 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.140 The Mayor confirmed that the amendments had been carried.
88.141 The Mayor then put amendments No’s.53 to the vote.
88.142 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were against the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment as listed.
88.143 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment as listed.
88.144 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour of the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were in favour of the amendment as listed.
88.145 Councillor Fishleigh was not present for the vote.
88.146 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the amendment.
88.147 The Mayor confirmed that the amendments had been carried.
88.148 The Mayor then stated that in view of the time and the wish to join in with the national clapping in support of the NHS at 8.00pm she would adjourn the meeting until 20.05pm.
88.149 The meeting was adjourned at 19.45pm.
88.150 The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 20.05pm and stated that all the amendments as listed had been carried and she would therefore put the recommendations for the City Plan Part 2 as amended to the vote. She would follow the same process for voting that she had used for the amendments but asked that the voting record be recorded in the minutes showing all the names of the councillors and how they voted.
88.151 The Mayor then put the recommendations for the submission of the City Plan Part 2 as amended, (together with the other recommendations in the extracts from the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee and the likely change in timing for consultation) to the vote.
88.152 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the recommendations as amended and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the recommendations as amended.
88.153 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the recommendations as amended and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the recommendations as amended.
88.154 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were against the recommendations as amended and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting against the recommendations as amended.
88.155 Councillor Fishleigh confirmed that she was voting against the recommendations as amended.
88.156 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting for the recommendations as amended.
88.157 The Mayor confirmed that the recommendations as amended had been carried.
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allcock |
√ |
28 |
Lewry |
x |
2 |
Appich |
√ |
29 |
Littman |
√ |
3 |
Atkinson |
√ |
30 |
Lloyd |
√ |
4 |
Bagaeen |
x |
31 |
MacCafferty |
√ |
5 |
Barnett |
x |
32 |
Mcnair |
x |
6 |
Bell |
x |
33 |
Mears |
x |
7 |
Brennan |
Not present |
34 |
Miller |
x |
8 |
Brown |
x |
35 |
Moonan |
√ |
9 |
Childs |
√ |
36 |
Nemeth |
x |
10 |
Clare |
√ |
37 |
Nield |
√ |
11 |
Davis |
√ |
38 |
O’Quinn |
√ |
12 |
Deane |
√ |
39 |
Osborne |
√ |
13 |
Druitt |
√ |
40 |
Peltzer Dunn |
x |
14 |
Gibson |
√ |
41 |
Phillips |
√ |
15 |
Not present |
42 |
Pissaridou |
√ |
16 |
Ebel |
√ |
√ |
Powell |
√ |
17 |
Evans |
√ |
√ |
Platts |
√ |
18 |
Fishleigh |
x |
45 |
Rainey |
√ |
19 |
Fowler |
√ |
46 |
Robins |
√ |
20 |
Hamilton |
√ |
47 |
Shanks |
√ |
21 |
Heley |
√ |
48 |
Simson |
x |
22 |
Henry |
√ |
49 |
Theobald C |
x |
23 |
Hill |
√ |
50 |
Wares |
x |
24 |
Hills |
√ |
51 |
Wilkinson |
√ |
25 |
Hugh-Jones |
√ |
52 |
Williams |
√ |
26 |
Janio |
√ |
53 |
West |
√ |
27 |
Knight |
√ |
54 |
Yates |
√ |
38 |
14 |
88.158 RESOLVED:
(1) That the summary of the main issues raised in the consultation on the draft City Plan Part Two carried out 5 July – 13 September 2018 (included at Appendix 2 with a full summary schedule set out in the Statement of Consultation published on the City Plan Part Two webpage be noted:
(2) That the Proposed Submission City Plan Part Two as amended (along with the policies map and other proposed submission documents) for statutory public consultation in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 be approved;
(3) That the subsequent submission of the documents to the Secretary of State under Regulation 22 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 subject to no material changes, other than alterations for the purposes of clarification, improved accuracy of meaning or typographical corrections, being necessary be approved;
(4) That the Head of Planning be authorised to agree any draft “main modifications” to the City Plan Part Two necessary to make it sound and to authorise the publication of such draft modifications for public consultation save that should any draft modification involve a major shift in the policy approach of City Plan Part Two the draft modification shall be referred by the Head of Planning to the Tourism Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee for approval.
89 Close of Meeting
89.1 The Mayor thanked everyone for taking part in the virtual meeting and closed the meeting.
The meeting concluded at 8.07pm
Chair |
Dated this |
day of
2020 |